Sunday, October 30, 2011

TA e-meeting: October 30, 2011

Hi Ladies,

Hope each of you enjoyed the Halloween weekend!

I.  Open floor
II. Persuasion Lessons
i. Oct 31
ii. November 2
iii. November 3
III. Grading
i. Papers
ii. Speeches

I. Questions, thoughts or concerns?

II.  Big thanks to Molly for taking on the responsibility of revamping our persuasion lectures.  She did a great job!
i.  Remember, the activity for this day's (Oct 31) lecture requires the students to reflect on an advertisement that persuaded them to feel/do something.  Please send an email to your sections this afternoon and tell them to bring advertisements to class!...Also, at the end of class please 1) distribute the topic approval form for the persuasive papers/speeches (which will be due on Wednesday) and 2) remind students to read "Love is a Fallacy," which will be used in the Nov 2 activity.
ii.  To be honest, I hated our logical fallacy power point, so I'm glad it's been nixed in favor of the activity and video examples.  I'm looking forward to hearing how this lecture goes for each of us!
iii.  There is a lot of content in this lecture.  In the past, I have struggled to finish the material in time.  Be sure to pace yourself so you can get to the "putting it all together" examples at the end.  These examples are really useful to the students, especially those that struggle with organization.

III. How have each of your progressed with...
i. ...grading the papers?  I'm finished (only because I locked my self in the office last weekend).  I awarded quite a few As.  I think it's because several of my students submitted 2-3 rough drafts, so they received lots of feedback from me before they wrote their final draft.  Everyone else?
ii. ...with grading speeches?  Have you emailed speeches to your students?  Please remind your students they they can earn 5 points of extra credit for writing a self-review of their speeches.  The syllabus says that these self-reviews are due Oct 31, but I think we should extend the deadline.  Thoughts?

I never know how to end these have a nice day!


1 comment:

  1. So I finaly finished my grading. I agonized over these because there is such a huge gap between the A papers and the four papers that are most definitely not getting As. I was worried that there might be something institutional in my expectations because those four papers were _so_ bad, and clearly written by first generation college students. The scholarship just isn't there. In the end, I upped the bottom four grades that in a real universe should have been Ds into C territory - while they hadn't pulled off the papers they should have, I could see some growth in the attempt. I had one 100 - I really made two marks on the entire paper. ...
    93 and above = 6 papers,
    89-92 = 4 papers
    83-88 = 4 papers
    78-83 = 1 papers
    75-78 = 3 papers
    It seems so top-loaded, but the scholarship was so incredibly different from the top to the bottom and largely I felt certain papers were "A" or "B" papers and then docked points mostly for proof reading, APA style and minor grammar in the top 10. The bottom four would not have had Cs in the "real world," but would have been somewhere lower. And the reason there are so many As is there was not that much difference between them in quality of work. I hate subjective grading. Give me multiple choice composition classes!
